We are looking for a board member for the Open Space Advisory Trust Fund committee from District 3.
All of the people on the board are passionate about open space or urban farming.
The board meets about 4-6 times a year, usually during regular business hours.
The board’s mission is described in SLCO ordinance, 2.93:
The committee shall advise the county council and the county mayor on the preservation, acquisition and development of real property which may be used or which is currently being used for open space. The committee shall develop criteria for assigning priorities to real property acquisition. The committee shall review and evaluate acquisitions of open space property by Salt Lake County, and shall issue written recommendations to the county council and the county mayor with respect to proposed acquisitions or proposed expenditures of trust funds which promote open space within the county.
Representation is described as follows:
Representation is described as follows:
To the extent possible, citizen members shall be chosen from a broad array of professional and citizen backgrounds and with emphasis on those knowledgeable in land conservation, natural resources, recreation and wildlife management, landscape architecture or planning, real estate, finance, public relations, business and fund raising. The mayor shall provide the committee with appropriate staff support.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact my office at 385-468-7456 or anewton@slco.org.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact my office at 385-468-7456 or anewton@slco.org.
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